Clare Lydon

London Calling

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«When the plane took off, I wondered what Karen was doing, if she was happy, knew I was leaving or wanted me back. Whatever, it was too late now. I was gone…"

Jess Sharp is at a crossroads – back in London, living in her parents’ spare room, jobless and single. Not quite the irresistible package she was aiming for at age 32.
One night things take an upward turn when she meets someone who could be a game-changer. But everything in her riotously chaotic life seems to get in the way, including her best friend’s wedding, far too much tequila and the ghosts of girlfriends past. The course of true love has never been so injury-prone.

Will Jess eventually overcome her romantic ineptitude and find her happy ever after? Or will she continue to trip over her own feet in the race for romance?

A cracking debut novel from a new UK talent that zips along with sparkling dialogue and believable, yet original characters. Thousands of readers around the globe agree!
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