Stephen Prothero

God is Not One

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A fascinating guide to religion and its place in the world today.

In God Is Not One, bestselling author Stephen Prothero makes a fresh and provocative argument that, contrary to popular understanding, all religions are not simply “different paths to the same God.” Instead, he shows that the differences between the major religions are far greater than we think: they each ask different questions, tackle different problems, and aim at different goals.

God Is Not One highlights the unique aspects of the world’s major religions, with chapters on Islam, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Yoruba religion, Judaism, Daoism and atheism.

Lucid and compelling, God Is Not One offers a new understanding of religion for the twenty-first century.

‘A very much needed book!’ —Miroslav Volf, Professor at Yale University and author of Exclusion and Embrace

‘[God Is Not One] has a sense of purpose and a feistiness that is refreshing.’ —Sydney Morning Herald

‘Provocative, thoughtful, fiercely intelligent … a must-read.’ —Booklist

‘Enormously timely, thoughtful and balanced’ —Los Angeles Times

‘An admirable work of public intellectualism.’ —Courier Mail

Stephen Prothero is chair of the department of religion at Boston University. His books include American Jesus: How the Son of God Became a National Icon and the New York Times bestseller Religious Literacy. He has appeared on numerous US radio and television shows, including The Daily Show and Oprah, and is a regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal and USA Today.
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