Nichole Severn,Julie Miller,Carla Cassidy,Debra Webb,Delores Fossen,Julie Anne Lindsey

Under the Cowboy's Protection/Do-or-Die Bridesmaid/In Self Defence/Rules in Rescue/Desperate Intentions/Marked by the Marshal

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Under The Cowboy's Protection — Delores Fossen
When Texas sheriff Raleigh Lawton discovers that a pregnant surrogate is dead, her newborn is missing and his ex, Deputy Thea Morris, is unconscious at the crime scene, he must rely on the woman he could never forget as he searches for a killer and a kidnapped child.
Do-Or-Die Bridesmaid — Julie Miller
When Detective Conor Wildman returns home for a wedding, he's reunited with bridesmaid Laura Karr, the former girl next door. Now Laura is all grown up…and someone wants her dead.
In Self Defence — Debra Webb
Audrey has a secret, and it's buried in the basement below the family newspaper's office. If she's lucky, Sheriff Colton Tanner will be able to keep her out of trouble…but nothing can prevent their hearts from becoming entangled as Audrey's past comes back to haunt her.
Rules In Rescue — Nichole Severn
CID special agent Glennon Chase's partner is missing, and the only person she trusts is Blackhawk Security weapons expert and former ranger Anthony Harris, her ex-fiance. As the spark between them reignites, they will do whatever it takes to recover Glennon's partner.
Desperate Intentions — Carla Cassidy
The last thing Eliza Burke expected upon inheriting a home were things that went bump in the night and her hot neighbor, Troy Anderson. As increasingly strange things occur at Eliza's house, Troy must try to maintain his distance…all while keeping Eliza and her kids safe.
Marked By The Marshal — Julie Anne Lindsey
Three years ago, US Marshal Ryder Garrett gave up everything in pursuit of a fugitive. Now the killer is back and gunning for Kara Noble, Ryder's former fiancee, and her infant daughter. Will Ryder be able to stop the killer before the criminal takes even more from him?
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