Pete Dunne

Emotional Structure

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The leap from concept to final draft is great, and the task is filled with hard work and horrors. It is here that most writers struggle to get the plot right at the expense of the story's real power. The result is a script that is logical in every way, yet unmoving. ""Emotional Structure,"" by Emmy- and Peabody-Award winning producer, writer, and teacher, Peter Dunne, is for these times, when the plot fits nicely into place like pieces in a puzzle, yet an elemental, terribly important something remains missing.
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  • Мария Савиныхidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    And the whole damn point of your script is someone’s human recovery.
  • Мария Савиныхidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    Even the most general idea of how you want to end your story is a great beginning.
  • Мария Савиныхidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    The plot should be thought of as the motion picture.
    The story should be thought of as the emotion picture


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