Chelsea Catherine

Summer of the Cicadas

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“A fast-paced, stirring narrative about loss and unrequited love” set amid a destructive cicada swarm in West Virginia (Publishers Weekly).
In a West Virginian town, a brood of Magicicadas emerges for the first time in seventeen years. The cicadas damage crops and trees, and swarm locals. Jessica, a former cop whose entire family was killed in a car crash two years earlier, is deputized during the crisis.
At the same time, she is dealing with her feelings for her sister’s best friend, Natasha, a town council member—and the two-year anniversary of the car crash that killed her family is approaching. As all this descends, a sudden, devastating loss will change everything . . .
“A bright, raw, original new voice in American fiction. Her prose is electric. And Summer of the Cicadas was a novel I couldn't put down.” —Thomas Christopher Greene, author of The Perfect Liar
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  • Kandi Tolentinoidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    There’s nothing worse than loving someone who doesn’t love you back. It’s like loving someone who has died, except sometimes you have to see them in public and acknowledge how they don’t love you back
  • Kandi Tolentinoidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    Being alone is what I know. I’ve done it most of my life
  • Kandi Tolentinoidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    Every day is long


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