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Miranda Eve Gray

Red Moon

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«Ancient menstrual wisdom for modern women!
For our ancestors the menstrual cycle was a source of wonderful creative, spiritual, sexual, emotional, mental and physical energies. It was a gift that empowered women to renew themselves each month, to manifest and create the world around them, to connect deeply with the land and their family, and to express deep wisdom and inspiration. This ancient female teaching is still avialble to us in our mythology and nursery tales.
Miranda Gray introduces modern women to their unique cyclic nature and guides them in accepting and expressing a passionate and creative cycle-empowered life. She explores the women’s wisdom contained in western mythology and traditional stories and offers practical exercises and methods (including the ‘Moon Dial’) to explore the depths of being a Cyclic Woman.
Red Moon will transform the way you think about yourself, your cycle and your life!
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  • Altheamegosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni
    🔮Rejtett mélységek
    💡Sokat tanultam

    This book is amazing. I felt like it took me on a journey to remember who I am and how absolutely beautiful, powerful and amazing I am as a woman.


  • Lucii Puenteidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    A Moon Animal may announce your ovulation or bleeding in your dreams or bring dreams whose images can guide you to your cycle and help you to maintain your conscious link with your own rhythm.
  • Lucii Puenteidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    ‘I am the guardian of the tree.’ Its small jewelled eyes glinted in the moonlight. ‘If you take this fruit, you will become a woman and will inherit all the powers which womanhood brings. You will bleed with the moon; you will become cyclic, never constant, always changing with the phases of the moon. Within your body will awaken the powers of creation and destruction and in your intuition you will hold knowledge of the inner mysteries. Your life will become a path between two worlds, the inner and the outer, with the demands each will make on you. All the gifts of womanhood have to be accepted and cherished: if not, the gift can destroy you.’ The snake uncurled. ‘The gift is not an easy one to accept; how much easier it would be to remain a child.’
  • Lucii Puenteidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    ‘I am the guardian of the tree.’ Its small jewelled eyes glinted in the moonlight. ‘If you take this fruit, you will become a woman and will inherit all the powers which womanhood brings. You will bleed with the moon


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  • Vanessa Ramírez Calderón
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  • Mari Ameller Petrinich
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