Space… long considered the final frontier to the vast majority of people on Earth.
However, for the powers that be running the United Nations, it represented something totally different—an escape. An escape from an environment ravaged by centuries of war, greed, over-population and hyper-industrialization—now having been altered into a decaying brown globe of pestilence and death.
No one understood this looming threat more than Dr. Myron Bethea, a renowned geologist working for the UN. Through his exhaustive research, Bethea discovered that our beloved home-world was on its way to becoming like the rest of its neighbors in the solar system.
In essence, it was only a matter of time until the planet itself was uninhabitable.
His ill-advised attempt to shed light on the severity of their situation transformed him into persona non grata with the government, condemning him to the worst penalty known to man: EXILE.
Doomed to die slowly amid a plethora of society's worst in a freightage silo, Bethea and others awaken to discover that they have landed on a strange new world—offering them an uncanny reminder of what the Earth used to look like.
Unfortunately for them, looks can be deceiving as their newfound freedom just may come at a price none were willing to pay. The harsh reality being that in space… whistles don't blow.