Stephanie Modell

100 Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep

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Sleep is probably the topic that preoccupies parents of babies and young children more than any other.

Sleep is essential for the physical and psychological health of your baby, and for the well-being of the whole family. This accessible, no-nonsense guide by Stephanie Modell — a baby sleep specialist with over 30 years’ experience — will help you to establish positive sleep habits and put good practices into place for your baby from the first few weeks. With supportive advice arranged into simple but informative tips, find out 100 ways to improve your baby’s sleep from newborn to 12 months, including:

• Understand how babies sleep

• Teach the difference between night and day

• Learn about sleep cycles and rhythms

• How to establish an effective bedtime routine

• Discover how developmental changes can affect your baby’s sleep

• Tried and trusted ways to teach your baby to self-settle

• Establish consistency with daytime naps
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