Transitioning to design leadership can be challenging for individual designers. These proven insights from design leaders will help you gain confidence as a leader—and the skills to build a first-class design team.
PRO TIP — What Got You Here Won’t Get You There You’ll need to cultivate an entirely new set of skills to be an effective design leader. While Marshall Goldsmith’s book What Got You Here Won’t Get You There isn’t about design, it is about making big career transitions, and will give you the guidance you need as you make the leap from an individual contributor to a leader in your organization.
Oleg Malakhovidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
Avoid pay increases when transitioning someone into management. It incentivizes the wrong people to seek positions of power
Oleg Malakhovidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
a designer reports conflict between other team members, talk with everyone individually before taking action