bookmate game
Stephanie Danler


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A lush, thrilling debut about a year in the life of a uniquely beguiling young woman, set in the wild, alluring world of a famous downtown New York restaurant.
“Let's say I was born when I came over the George Washington Bridge…” This is how we meet unforgettable Tess, the 22-year-old at the heart of this stunning debut. Shot like a bullet from a mundane past, she's come to New York to escape the provincial, to take on her destiny. After she stumbles into a coveted job at a renowned Union Square restaurant, we spend the year with her as she learns the chaotic, punishing, privileged life of a “backwaiter,” on and off duty.
Her appetites are awakened, for food, wine, knowledge and experience; and she's pulled into the thrall of two other servers--a handsome bartender she falls hard for, and an older woman whose connection to both young lovers is murky, sensual, and overpowering. These two will prove to be Tess's hardest lesson of all. Sweetbitter is a story about discovery, enchantment, and the power of what remains after disillusionment.
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334 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • klucharevamegosztott egy benyomást6 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    Острый, болезненный, любвеобильный роман о работе в ресторанах и личном взрослении в большом городе

  • b1053231044megosztott egy benyomást2 évvel ezelőtt


  • Milena San Románmegosztott egy benyomást6 évvel ezelőtt

    You will come out of this thinking you know about wine


  • Christabelle Adelineidézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    “Sweetheart, you can’t make a set of aesthetic decisions without making an ethical one. That’s what makes them fake people.”
  • Ksenia Kosmachevaidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    “Aging is peculiar,” she said, moving a piece of parsnip around the plate with her fork. “I don’t think you should be lied to about it. You have a moment of relevancy—when the books, clothes, bars, technology—when everything is speaking directly to you, expressing you exactly. You move toward the edge of the circle and then you’re abruptly outside the circle. Now what to do with that? Do you stay, peering backward? Or do you walk away?”
  • Natalie Haleidézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    But if you take art too seriously you wind up killing yourself.


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