a person, an intellectual person who, without going insane and for ten, twenty, thirty, forty years, directs his mind’s full analytic force time and again onto the laughable task of backing a wooden king into the angle of a wooden board
Ian Coppleidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
ancient and yet always new, mechanical in its structure yet animated only by the imagination, limited to a geometrically petrified space yet unlimited in its permutations, always developing yet ever sterile, a logic with no result, a mathematics without calculations
Ali Bahramiidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
bustle and commotion
Ali Bahramiidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
ldren ran up and down flights of stairs while the orchestra played imperturbably on deck. I was standing in conversation with a friend on the promenade deck, slightly apart from this turmoil, when flashbulbs popped starkly two or three times beside us—it seemed that a few reporters had managed to hastily interview and photograph some celebrity just before our departure. My friend looked across and smiled. “You have an odd fish on board with you there, that’s Czentovic.” And since I must have looked fairly baffled in response to this news, he exp