bookmate game
John Allen

Emotional Intelligence

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  • loworosufeidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    Ever heard of the old saying "don't go to bed angry?" This saying means to take care of the issues that anger you before you suppress them and allow them to take hold of your body. Find that outlet before you rest, release them, let them go, then rest well. It is good advice and advice we all should take to heart (because it is good for our hearts!)
  • abr4h4mmag4idézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    emotional intelligence is the act of using and viewing the emotions through perception, control, and evaluation.
  • Madina Ashimovaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Bad memories are another thing that can invoke painful emotions and hurts. These types of things are often suppressed to keep from dealing with it. Write down the moments when these memories surface. The next step with bad memories is to release them as best you can. If the bad memory is from a hurt caused by another person, try to forgive the person, even if they have never asked for it. Forgiveness is a way to release them from continuing to hurt you.
  • dash020499idézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    Leaders have high emotional intelligence.
  • Aliceidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Close your eyes, clench your fist and scream as loud as you can in your head. Instead of actually doing it you will be pretending to do it and this method is very effective in the spur of the moment
  • Mrcadillidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Stop and simply listen or observe your thoughts. What is it you daydream? Write this down, and write down what you are feeling as you do this. Not only does this help in identifying emotions, it helps you to release them as well. It also shows patterns you may experience, and will indicate triggers to emotions as well.
  • B-Matt Manyongaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Fatigue is probably the number one symptom of emotion suppression and the beginning of a long list of physical ailments if the emotion stays buried
  • b4805797661idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    from losing control
  • Маша Чабанюкidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    Once you are aware of the emotions and once you are aware you can choose how you react you will start to bring the thinking process back into play and react with intelligence instead of reacting out of instinct
  • Маша Чабанюкidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    A big benefit to learning how to manage emotions is the ability to get along better with others
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