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Lynne Graham

The Heat Of Passion

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Read this classic romance by USA Today bestselling author Lynne Graham!
When the temperature rises past boiling point…!
Six years ago, Jessica made a decision that would change her life forever. The prospect of being Carlo Saracini’s mistress was too hot for her to handle, so she opted for the safety of marriage to another man.
But now Jessica is a widow and faced with the unthinkable: she needs Carlo’s help or her father will go to jail!
Carlo proposes a deal that will give him what he’s always wanted—Jessica at his mercy and naked in his bed! But letting Carlo possess her body and soul will be to give him the ultimate revenge and reveal her innocence…
Originally published in 1994
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  • Shelly Fondaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Only because I stumbled accidentally between the covers.’

    ‘I did not want my past to come between us,’ Carlo stated levelly. ‘You force me to be blunt. OK. Your father intimated that your marriage had not been a happy one.’

    Taken by surprise, Jessica froze.

    ‘And he was not talking about your husband’s illness. He made that clear——’

    ‘He had no right to imply that—’

    ‘You were not blissfully happy with your best friend,’ Carlo incised with scorn.

    Jessica rolled off the bed, cornered by his persistence. ‘I will not discuss Simon with you.’

    ‘Why not? He is dead. He cannot be hurt.’ Carlo dealt her an expectant stare.

    ‘You say I made a choice. Why don’t y


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