Karen Casey

Getting Unstuck

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A spiritual self-help guide based on twelve principles that will transform your way of thinking and lead you toward healthier relationships.
In Getting Unstuck, bestselling recovery writer Karen Casey invites you to work through the twelve principles in her popular guide Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow, and to dig deep into your patterns of behavior, to determine where you’ve gotten stuck in your life. Learn where the boundaries should be drawn between yourself and others and how to:Stop holding others emotional hostageAvoid turning caring into controlLet loved ones find their own higher powerFind your own free and peaceful life
With questions and exercises that help you explore what’s causing you unhappiness or stress, and develop strategies for getting unstuck, this practical book lets you discover the peace that comes from being responsible for yourself and letting others do the same.
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  • Jusselle Butaslacidézettelőző év
    God can read our hearts even when we don't voice our thoughts.
  • akiraidézettelőző év
    We can't become what we can't clearly see in our mind's eye.
  • b5626481077idézett10 hónappal ezelőtt
    it will help to ask the God of your understanding to walk with you on this part of your journey.
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