Sergey Akopkokhyants

Web Development with Bootstrap 4 and Angular 2 – Second Edition

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Combine the power of Bootstrap 4 and Angular 2 to build cutting-edge web apps that truly stand out from the crowd
About This BookUpdated for the latest releases of Angular and Bootstrap, this book shows you how to build web applications with cutting-edge web technologiesCombine the best of both worlds to build single page apps with elegant user interfacesBuild, develop, and customize your application using Angular and BootstrapPacked with tips to help you avoid potential stumbling blocks while developingWho This Book Is ForWhether you know a little about Bootstrap or Angular or you're a complete beginner, this book will enhance your capabilities in both frameworks and you'll build a fully functional web app. A working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is required to fully get to grips with Bootstrap and Angular.
What You Will LearnDevelop Angular 2 single page applications using an ecosystem of helper toolsGet familiar with Bootstrap's new grid and helper classesEmbrace TypeScript and ECMAScript 2015 to write more maintainable codeUse custom directives for Bootstrap 4 with the ng2-bootstrap libraryUnderstand the component-oriented structure of Angular 2 and its routerMake use of the built-in HTTP library to work with API endpointsUse observables and streams to manage the app's data and stateCombine Angular 2 and Bootstrap 4 along with Firebase in the development of a solid exampleIn DetailTwo of the most popular frontend frameworks, Angular and Bootstrap, have undergone a major overhaul to embrace emerging web technologies so that developers can build cutting-edge web applications.
Inside this title you'll dive, fingers first, into the basics of both the tools, and once you're familiar with them, you'll move onto Bootstrap's new grid system and Angular's built-in directives. You'll then learn how to format output using Angular's pipes and how to make use of the built-in router to set up routes for all your components.
Webpack will be your buddy to wrap up your project. Then, after throwing in some SASS to make things pretty, you'll learn how to validate the forms you've built and debug your application. Finally, you'll go on to learn how to obtain smooth transitioning from Bootstrap to Angular and then how to hook up with a server and use Firebase as the persistence layer.
Once you're done with this book, you'll not only have a lovely little e-commerce application running, but you'll also take with you the confidence to innovate and build your own applications with ease.
Style and approachThis practical, step-by-step guide shows you how to think in terms of components and modules and build web apps with Angular and Bootstrap. Starting with building a foundation in Angular and Bootstrap, the book shows you how to combine the two frameworks to build apps that have a strong architecture (Angular) and a clear UI (Bootstrap).
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