Raja Sharma

Ready Reference Treatise: The City of Ember

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“The City of Ember” is the first book in the eponymous series. The other books are The People of Sparks, The Prophet of Yonwood, and The Diamond of Darkhold.

The book was made into a movie in the year 2008. Likewise, it was adapted into a graphic novel by Niklas Asker in the year 2012.

The most admirable aspect of the novel, according to the critics and reviewers, is its main characters, Lina Mayfleet and Doon Harrow, and its setting. The characters are courageous so they are obviously liked by the readers. However, they have their flaws such as human pride and greed, etc.

Ready Reference Treatise: The City of Ember
Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Plot Overview
Chapter Three: Major Characters
Chapter Four: Complete Summary
Chapter Five: Critical Analysis
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