Jonathan Robinson

Communication Miracles for Couples

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A lot of books about couples' communication give techniques that are too complicated to actually use, especially in the heat of the moment. Not so with the simple, powerfully effective methods in Communication Miracles for Couples.In just a few minutes, couples will learn how to:* Feel totally loved* Never argue again* Get their partner to really hear them* Repair broken trust* Create lasting harmony and keep love aliveWhile the exercises are extremely simple and can be done in a snap, it is mastering these exercises that will transform the quality of a relationship.Whether two people are looking to enhance a good relationship or are deeply mired in problems, these techniques can produce miracles!"Excellent advice for those seeking a spiritual partnership as opposed to a conflicted relationship." -Dr. Wayne Dyer, MD, author of Change your Thoughts, Change Your Life, The Power of Intention, and Living the Wisdom of the Tao"Read this book to guide you to creating your desired, loving relationship." -Bernie Siegal, MD, author of Love, Medicine & Miracles
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