Judy Gelman,Peter Zheutlin

The Unofficial HBO's Girls Cookbook

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Eat and drink your way through New York with Hannah, Marnie, Jessa, and Shoshanna . . .
This e-Book includes nearly two dozen recipes for fans of the HBO hit show Girls:
* Stop in at Café Grumpy and learn how to make a French press coffee the way Ray and Hannah would
* Recreate Jessa and Thomas-John’s Foundry wedding cake, with buttercream icing made from local NYC rooftop honey
* Bake up the Salmagundi Club’s chocolate cookies, like the one Hannah nibbles on after her cringeworthy reading at the prestigious art and literary association
* Try your hand at authentic pierogies from Christina’s Polish Restaurant, a short walk from Hannah’s Greenpoint apartment
* And more—from Brooklyn Pad Thai and Jessa’s White Russian to BabyCakes Black-and-White Cookies and Baked Eggs Warwick Style
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