Luci Swindoll

I Married Adventure

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In this fun and creative full-color jewel filled with photos and artistic sketches, Luci Swindoll gives the reader a fascinating journey through a life well lived, one in which she purposefully chose to “marry” adventure. The classic, artful design and intriguing stories highlight Luci's unique insight and perspective that transform otherwise regular days and occurrences to experiences worth living.
With the challenge to stop saying “if only” and “why me” and start asking “what if” and “why not,” Luci encourages everyone to lead truly adventurous lives that yield countless blessings, lessons and inspiration. Never before has anyone modeled the joy and adventures of the journey with such clarity and insight.
Readers will be drawn to I Married Adventure as it is Luci's first full-length book in over 10 years and is a personal tour of her unique approach to squeezing the most out of a life led by Christ.
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