Marie Harte,Jambrea Jo Jones,Sophie Angmering

Out of this World

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‘Lurin’s Surrender’ by Marie Harte

When the hunter becomes the hunted, all bets are off because love is on the line.

For Captain Mara Seni, being a bounty hunter is what she does, not who she is. But her latest bounty makes her question her job. He’s tall, dark and handsome. But a rapist? A murderer? And why is the victim in question more intent on keeping him than putting him in jail?

There’s something off about Lurin Vez, and it’s more than his good looks. Though she shouldn’t care, Mara’s not going to stop until she finds out the truth. But when the truth turns into a love brighter than the sun, it’s all she can do to withstand the heat.

‘Love by Design’ by Jambrea Jo Jones
A Soldier can be programmed for war, but what about love?

Zeke Andrews and his band of soldiers volunteered to be experimented on by the government to help protect the world from an invading force of aliens.

Is there more to the programs implants than he thought?

An overwhelming urge fills his soul when he meets an intriguing woman.

Could it be science or love? Cassandra Dawson could have the answers. Is Zeke man enough to find them?

‘Captain Kate’ by Sophie Angmering

Captain Kate Thorn makes a habit of bending the rules to suit her purposes, but then she meets two men who simply break them to get what they want.

Captain Katherine Thorn has one of the toughest reputations in the Galaxy Elite Fleet. Her problems start when she mistakes two powerful diplomats for Rim pirates, and attempts to ensure their silence regarding their rescue by using sexual blackmail. But Kate has never come across anyone like these two men before, two men who are prepared to use every method at their disposal to ensure payback, and they want to get her back in their power and in their bed.

‘Star Struck’ by Buffi BeCraft

Smart girls know two things. Don’t pick up hitch-hikers and avoid dangerous men.

Down-on-her-luck trader captain, Drew Roberts’ fascination for dangerous men is equal to her need for a crew. When the sexy alien kith pair, Ashwin and Kormec wanders onto her ship with the offer of passage for repairs, she knows trouble is not far behind. But a girl’s gotta do, what a girl’s gotta do—And getting back at her rival, the kith Captain Larissa by taking these two on, seems like a pretty good idea at the time.

On the run, Ashwin and Kormec, know that the best way to avoid a political marriage is one of another kind. Is Drew Roberts ‘the one’ for them? Can she survive an encounter with Ashwin’s mother, the fierce Captain Larissa? The three of them may generate enough heat to power a sun, but question is, will they survive it?

‘Wild Fantasies’ by Ashley Ladd

In her futuristic holodec sessions, one magnificent hero fulfils Jala’s many wild fantasies, but can he be her hero in real life?

Lieutenant Jala Janguardo can’t have her Captain Adam Carrington in real life so he becomes her werewolf in London, her Arabian sheik, and her intergalactic bar patron in her holodec fantasies. In real life, she might as well be part of the equipment for all he notices her. Or does he?
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