Sara Horn

God Strong

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Currently, more than one million military wives care for their families and their homes, often while their husbands are deployed out of state or overseas for months at a time. These women can experience a roller coaster of emotions, including disappointment, loneliness, and fear.
Sara Horn, the wife of a navy reservist, understands the challenges you face as a military wife. She knows how to talk about faith and spiritual truths through the filter of military life. In her encouraging Ebook God Strong, Horn shares her personal stories, as well as wisdom and anecdotes of other wives from all branches of service, reminding you that: • God is in control. • You can have joy, no matter what. • Superwomen get grace, too. • God knows where you hurt.
Horn’s reliance on Scripture and confidence in God’s comfort during difficult times will show you that you don’t have to be an army of one when you are God Strong.
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