Grace Octavia

His Last Wife

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“Octavia’s storytelling is so impressive and addicting.”
—RT Book Reviews
Essence® bestselling author Grace Octavia’s exciting, volatile novel, a charismatic bad boy mayor finally takes a spectacular fall. But that doesn’t mean he’s going down alone…

Since the night Atlanta mayor, self-made millionaire, and womanizer Jamison Jackson plummeted from the top floor of a downtown hotel, everyone seems to have profited, from vicious criminals to corrupt politicians. Everyone except his jilted first wife, Kerry. Once a socialite, she’s now the prime suspect in Jamison’s alleged murder. But she swears she’s no killer—and surprisingly, Jamison’s widow, Val, agrees. For all they know, it was Coreen, the mother of Jamison’s secret love child. After years of extortion, Coreen’s cash flow has come to an end. The reality is, Jamison had a murky past and a legion of enemies old and new who will do whatever it takes to cover up the truth—and it’s even more scandalous, unexpected, and filled with secrets than anyone suspects…
Praise for Grace Octavia’s Southern Scandal novels
 “Sex, politics, shady characters and plenty of ‘mama drama’ to be had. A must-read!”
 —RT Book Reviews
“Surprises aplenty in this highly charged tale of romantic suspense.” —Booklist 
“Octavia creates a wonderful story of love, betrayal and life.” —APOOO BookClub
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