Philippa Gregory

Bread and Chocolate

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Ennek a könyvnek az olvasásához töltsön fel EPUB vagy FB2 formátumú fájlt a Bookmate-re. Hogyan tölthetek fel egy könyvet?
A collection of short stories from one of our most popular novelists – the perfect gift.
A rich and wonderful selection of short stories. A TV chef who specialises in outrageous cakes tempts a monk who bakes bread for his brothers; a surprise visitor invites mayhem into the perfect minimalist flat in the season of good will; a woman explains her unique view of straying husbands; straying husbands encounter a variety of effective responses. Just some of the delicacies on offer in this sumptuous box of delights…
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  • Hwee Yeang Chengidézett9 évvel ezelőtt
    the abbot questioned acutely.
    The younger man bowed his head. ‘I obey, Father Pierce,’ he said simply.
    The abbot thought for a moment. He did not tell the Brother Breadmaker that the fee offered at the foot of the letter


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