Sean Williams

Fatal Alliance (Star Wars: The Old Republic, #3)

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This Star Wars novel ties in with the MMORPG of the same name, and is written by Sean Williams, the acclaimed science fiction author whose previous Star Wars game tie-in The Force Unleashed debuted at #1 in the New York Times bestseller list. 3,500 years in the past of the far-away galaxy, when the Jedi and Galactic Republic clashed with the Sith Empire, smuggler Jet Nebula has stumbled across a treasure richer than he ever dreamed. The Hutts want to auction it to the highest bidder, be it the Republic or the Empire, both of whom hope to bolster their chances in the coming conflict. But the Sith are interested too, and they don't bargain with anyone; the Jedi High Council is sending someone to investigate; a mysterious Mandalorian is chasing something connected to a long-forgotten crime; while a spy plays every side at once. What Jet has unearthed will surprise all of them, and leave none of them unchanged.
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