Alison Uttley

Old Farmhouse Recipes

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Alison Uttley is famous for her books about the country and her children’s books, including the Little Grey Rabbit and Sam Pig series. Previously published in the 1960s as Recipes from an Old Farmhouse, this book is based on the recipes she enjoyed as a child, including Mrs. Lowe’s Parkins, named after the neighbor who baked them and different natural remedies, including cough mixture and tinctures. Using her inimitable style, the famous author recalls incidents of childhood, including picking cowslips for cowslip wine and the importance of the seasons for produce in the days before most foodstuffs were available year-round. Divided into sections for different dishes, including cakes, breads and drinks, this is a beautifully written book which will appeal to fans of Alison Uttley, those who love cooking, or anyone who wants a good read.
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