bookmate game
Betty Halbreich,Sally Wadyka

Secrets of a Fashion Therapist

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Betty Halbreich, the director of Solutions at world-famous specialty store Bergdorf Goodman, brings her shopping and dressing expertise to readers in this bestselling classic.
Getting dressed every morning probably causes more trauma than anything else we do on a daily basis. No one understands this better than Betty Halbreich. She's seen firsthand that putting on clothes is as much—if not more—about the mind as it is about the body. Each day, her dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman is filled with women searching for something. They may think they're merely shopping for a new dress, but, as Betty knows, sometimes they're really shopping for a whole new life. Whatever these women are seeking, Betty is sure to help them find it.
With simple instructions and witty asides, Betty takes her experience out of the dressing room and puts it into readers' hands. Follow her through the years and through the stores as she sheds light on such fashion conundrums as how to break up with the color black, what to wear on "Casual Fridays," what “black-tie” really means, and how to wear just about any accessory.
Betty elevates shopping and dressing to an art form, yet she makes you realize how simple it really is to look fabulous. She is truly a fashion therapist, dispensing wisdom, wit, and advice on how to enhance your natural beauty, build a more confident self-image, and, most of all, have a little fun while doing it.
With more than 200 black-and-white illustrations
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  • Наталия Мартемьяноваmegosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt

    Книга рассчитана на.нулевого читателя (что неплохо), при этом много восторженных призывов ("у всех должно быть маленькое чёрное платье!"), Но совсем нет конкретных примеров и картинок. Без картинок такая книга бессмысленна.

  • Nastia Larkinamegosztott egy benyomást6 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni


  • princessasem39149idézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    That’s the real secret to dressing well: It’s all about attitude. The attitude of the clothes, but also what’s in your head. It’s about walking into a room, knowing that you look and feel good, and projecting that attitude out to everyone who sees you.
  • Antonina Goncharovaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    have a tendency to overdose on: Do you have six red sweaters? Five black jackets? Four navy skirts? You don’t necessarily have to get rid of any of them (they’re all completely different, right?), but just remember how many you’ve got the next time you’re in a store
  • Antonina Goncharovaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    I can’t let you rush off to the store in an I’ve-got-to-buy-something frenzy until you’ve faced down those two nemeses: the closet and the mirror


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