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Vivi Holt

Make Believe Husband

The marriage is fake, but the feelings are real.

In the aftermath of his father's passing, Atlanta Falcons star running back Jax Green finds himself back in his hometown. He's attracting the attention from all the single women in town, but the only one he wants is Stacey Murphy. Stacey was just his best friend's annoying little sister when they were growing up, but now he sees her through new eyes and can't help but be smitten.

Stacey always had big dreams, but if she's honest, her life has been pretty boring lately. When her high school crush returns home, even dreamier than she remembered, her feelings quickly resurface. She thinks she'll never be more than the kid sister to him, but they start spending time together and she hatches a plan to help him get the space he needs: fake marriage. She's surpised when Jax takes her up on it.

Is this a crazy plan… or a perfect one?

Explore all the books in Vivi Holt's Make Believe collection:

— Make Believe Proposal
— Make Believe Fiancé
— Make Believe Wedding
— Make Believe Honeymoon
— Make Believe Husband
— Make Believe Marriage
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