Tessa Gratton,Paul Witcover,Mary Anne Mohanraj,Alaya Dawn Johnson,Joel Derfner,Racheline Maltese

In the Shadow of Riverside

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Swordplay, scandal, and sex—welcome to the world of Tremontaine, a glittering new entry in Ellen Kushner’s classic Riverside series.This is the 11th episode in the second season of Tremontaine, a 13-episode serial from Serial Box Publishing. This episode written by Tessa Gratton.As Diane installs Micah at Tremontaine House, Kaab comes to the duchess with a proposition concerning Will’s fate. Meanwhile, Shade and Florian look for a way to strike against the foreign swordswoman. Rafe confesses to his father, and Vincent is forced into an unwanted confrontation.Welcome to Tremontaine, where ambition, love affairs, and rivalries dance with deadly results. A Duchess whose beauty is matched only by her cunning; a handsome young scholar with more passion than sense; a foreigner in a playground of swordplay and secrets; and a mathematical genius whose discoveries herald revolution when games of politics begin, no one is safe. Keep your wit as sharp as your steel in this world where politics is everything, and outcasts are the tastemakers.
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