Kusha Karvandi

Eat Fat, Get Fit

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Discover the healthy power of fullness and flavor—in the important nutrient known as fat—in a guide to customizing your diet by the founder of Exerscribe.
When you're trying to lose weight, it’s reasonable to want to lose body fat in specific areas. You want flat abs, a tighter tummy, leaner legs, or less flabby arms. But often you're told it just isn't possible. Nonsense! Kusha Karvandi has seen his clients get the results they want faster than ever with a customized approach—helping them become their own diet detective to find which foods work best for their body. Now he shares his discoveries so you can have the body and confidence you desire.
The problem with the health and fitness industry is that it makes people think they’re just weak, and that the best way to achieve the body they want is to suck it up and push harder. Reality shows exhaust participants with hours of daily exercise and extremely low-calorie diets—but if more is better, why do the majority rebound and gain the weight back again and again?
The truth is you’re stronger than you think. It isn’t that you somehow lack willpower or discipline; it’s that you just don’t have the right heuristics yet, which one of Karvandi’s mentors defined as the ability to make a decision based on limited amounts of information. The beauty of a heuristic is that it doesn’t drain your willpower like calorie-counting or fad diets may. In this book, he shows how to craft your own diet heuristic so you can make good eating decisions no matter where you are or how much willpower you have.
Though everyone has their own individual natural set point when it comes to weight, our bodies were not programmed for obesity. But when we began eating unnatural, processed foods—vegetable oils and refined carbohydrates for example—we shifted our bodies toward fat storage rather than fat burn. By avoiding foods that force your body to store fat, you can lose weight quickly and easily—and create unstoppable momentum in your quest for fitness success.
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