Dave Armstrong

More Biblical Evidence For Catholicism

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My purpose is to accumulate biblical arguments in support of distinctively Catholic doctrinal positions, with Protestant readers particularly in mind. I also touch upon the closely related subjects of sola Scriptura (the Protestant notion of Scripture Alone), the Catholic Church's high regard for Holy Scripture, and critiques from our separated Christian brethren with regard to matters of ecclesiology (Church) and Tradition. Additionally, a fair degree of emphasis has been devoted to certain common and erroneous charges against the Catholic Church and to dialogue (back-and-forth discussion), so that readers can have a sense of interaction with opponents of various Catholic doctrines, and how they might be answered from Scripture, history, and reason. Almost all of these chapters came about as a result of challenges and dialogues undertaken via e-mail and Internet lists and bulletin boards, from mid-1996 through to mid-2000.
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