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Rumi's Little Book of Life

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From Madonna to Deepak Chopra, celebrities have been recording and embracing Rumi's poetry for decades, creating a resurgence of interest in this 14th century Sufi mystic. RUMI'S LITTLE BOOK OF LIFE is a beautiful collection of 196 poems by Rumi, previously unavailable in English. Translated by native Persian speakers, Maryam Mafi and Azima Melita Kolin, this collection will appeal to Rumi lovers everywhere. This collection of mystical poetry focuses on one of life's core issues: coming to terms with the inner life. During the course of life, each of us is engaged on an inner journey. RUMI'S LITTLE BOOK OF LIFE is a guidebook for that journey. The poetry is a companion for those who consciously enter the inner world to explore the gardens within – out of the everyday 'world of dust'- through an ascending hierarchy that restores one's soul to the heart; the heart of the spirit; and in finding spirit, transcending all. The author's previous books on Rumi include: Rumi: Whispers of the Beloved (Thorsons/Element, 1999, 9780722539811), Rumi: Gardens of the Beloved (Element, 2003, 9780007170739), Rumi: Hidden Music (Thorsons/Element 2002, 9780007120321), Rumi: the Book of Love rendered by Coleman Barks (Harper One, 2005; 9780060750503)
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  • Chella Floresidézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    Do not stir the water if you want to see
    the reflection of the moon and the stars.
  • layanosaniidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Each time a thought enters your heart

    treat it as an honored guest, your worth

    is shown by the thoughts you entertain
  • layanosaniidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Do not grieve over past joys, be sure

    they will reappear in another form.


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