Aaron Wisewell

The Pilates Coach

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We firmly believe that Pilates and mindful movement can positively change lives. Whether you are an enthusiast or a professional, we think we have what you need for a better, healthier way to live.

Mind-body*. Core Strength. Core Stability.

You’ve heard those terms before but what are they? Well, they are much more than the latest fitness buzzwords – they are keys to a healthier lifestyle though mindful movement and Pilates.

Pilates is an innovative and safe system of mind-body exercise using a floor mat or a variety of equipment. It evolved from the principles of Joseph Pilates and can dramatically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. Pilates builds strength without excess bulk, capable of creating a sleek, toned body with slender thighs and a flat abdomen. (Yeah, we know – who doesn’t want that?)

It is a safe, sensible exercise system that will help you look and feel your very best. It teaches body awareness, good posture and easy, graceful movement.

Try it!
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