Thelma Wells

Don't Give InGod Wants You to Win!

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Popular author and conference speaker Thelma Wells inspires readers to fight the good fight of faith and win the raging wars that they battle each day as the enemy tries to steal their joy, kill their hopes and dreams, and destroy their lives. In her personable and enthusiastic style, Wells helps readers understand: what spiritual warfare is; why they fight; who they are fighting; how to dress for the war; how to win the war; and who ultimately is in control of the fight. Don't Give In--God Wants You to Win! will cause readers to understand that the battles they fight are really not theirs. Those battles belong to the God of "Peace, be still," who will give them the strategies and courage they need to resist Satan's tricks. Wells writes for anyone fighting battles over family, relationships, finances, health, broken dreams, disappointments, and just the dailyness of life that can cause so much distress and hurt. Through instruction from God's Word and stories of modern-day as well as biblical people, Wells shows how to relinquish those troubles to the only Person who can guarantee winning strategies for life.
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