No matter how strong you are, no matter how smart you are or tough you can be, the world will find a way to break you. And when it does, the only thing you can do is hold on.
Habitante de libroidézettelőző év
in that short time, you had more passion than some people have in a lifetime
Habitante de libroidézettelőző év
It has never been so clear to me that I am not alone in this. People die every day and other people move on. If everyone that loved all of these people has picked themselves up and moved on, I can do it too
Habitante de libroidézettelőző év
That is what true love is. True love is saying to someone “Forget about us. We will be okay,”
Habitante de libroidézettelőző év
I just wanted you to know that even at almost ninety, I’m still learning new things every day, and I think I am learning now that when you lose the thing you love most in the world, things can’t be okay again.
Habitante de libroidézettelőző év
Drunk words are sober thoughts,
Habitante de libroidézettelőző év
I contemplate his words, remaining convinced that living any part of the years I have before me would be a betrayal to the years behind me.
Habitante de libroidézettelőző év
Jealousy was so ugly. It made me feel so ugly.
Habitante de libroidézettelőző év
I wanted to believe that Ben was mine. I wanted to believe that no one had made him smile until I did, no woman had made him yearn to touch her until I had.
Habitante de libroidézettelőző év
Being liked, yeah. And liking someone so much. Being liked by the person you like so much, is maybe more accurate.”