Pearl S. Buck

The Promise

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A novel set in WWII Burma about a tragic Chinese–English alliance from the New York Times–bestselling author of Dragon Seed and The Good Earth.
Burma is under attack from the Japanese army, and a unit of Chinese soldiers is sent to aid endangered British forces trapped behind enemy lines. China’s assistance hinges on a promise: In return, the Allies will supply China with airplanes and military equipment, much needed to protect their own civilian population. But the troops—including a young commander named Lao San, whom Buck fans will remember from Dragon Seed—are met with ingratitude on both sides. The Burmese deplore any friend of their abusive colonizers, and the prejudiced British soldiers can’t bring themselves to treat the Chinese as true allies. As the threat of disaster looms and the stakes grow higher, the relations between the British and Chinese troops become ever more fraught.  A trenchant critique of colonialism and wartime betrayal, The Promise is Buck at her evocative best.
This ebook features an illustrated biography of Pearl S. Buck including rare images from the author’s estate.
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  • b9833647380idézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    they had been used to hearing from their old cousin who had lived in the city was no
  • b9833647380idézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    Heaven set the day
  • b9833647380idézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    out of the earth
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