James Piper

The Rubbish Book

Értesítsen, ha a könyv hozzá lesz adva
Ennek a könyvnek az olvasásához töltsön fel EPUB vagy FB2 formátumú fájlt a Bookmate-re. Hogyan tölthetek fel egy könyvet?
Plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, aluminium cans… we all get through a lot of rubbish, but do you really know what happens after you put it in the bin? Are you even sure which bin it goes in?
Recycling has never been more important — but it has also never been more complicated.

Where do you put bottle lids?Why can't black plastic be recycled?What do you do with labels?

The Rubbish Book answers all these questions and many more, providing you with all the information you need to become a true recycling expert, so you can help protect the planet with confidence.
Written by an award-winning sustainability expert, it includes an A–Z of household items and whether they can be recycled; an in-depth look at the collection and sorting processes; a break-down of what the recycling symbols on our packaging actually mean; and an insight into the future of recycling and the new materials that will change the way we look at rubbish for ever.

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