Drunvalo Melchizedek

The Mayan Ouroboros

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There have been many interpretations and predictions about the year 2012, known as the Mayan End Time-touted in everything from books to television commercials. But what do the Mayans themselves have to say about these prophecies? In THE MAYAN OUROBOROS, the much-anticipated follow-up to his bestselling Serpent of Light, spiritual researcher Drunvalo Melchizedek reveals for the first time what Mayan elders have told him about this period. In this book he, also, explains how to prepare for this transition to a new 13,000-year cycle by learning how to move out of our brain and into our hearts. He shares the Mayan insight of the importance of our heart connection to our survival and ability to thrive during these times. Plus, THE MAYAN OUROBOROS reveals: The untold positive side of the Mayan prophecies The Mayan End Time-a seven-year period of transition which began in 2007 The magnetic pole shift that is currently affecting humans around the world The new ways in which humans will begin to perceive and communicate in the world The discovery of thousands of ancient Mayan codexes that are currently being decoded by the Mayans
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