bookmate game
Tonia Jenny

Zen Doodle Oodles of Doodles

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Bring on the tangles!
In Zen Doodle Oodles of Doodles, you'll find even more stunning doodle art from all around the world. With more than 100 original designs, you're sure to love these gorgeous patterns brimming with the latest tangles and techniques that will inspire your doodling dreams. Then take your tangles to the next level with step-by-step instructions for creating everything from traditional doodle tiles to Zendala, to your favorite tangled art; it's all here!
You'll also discover the stories behind each creative tangle and immerse yourself into a world of doodle intrigue. So what are you waiting for? It's time to get your doodle on!100+ Zen doodled art pieces from 48 artistsStep-by-step instructions to help you on your doodling journeyFeaturing a special Spotlight Artist section where you can get up close and personal with some of your favorite Zen doodle artists
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  • Hanne Agnes Hansen Malmskov
    • 6
    • 1
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