Kayla Perrin,Carmen Green,Felicia Mason

Island Love Songs

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Sultry days, hot nights, and passion in the air…
Enjoy the thrill of unexpected romance in three scintillating stories that lead to “I Do,” island-style… Seven Nights in Paradise by Kayla Perrin — After flying halfway around the world to see her friend get married in Fiji, Melanie White bumps into the one man she’s never been able to forget. Will one week be long enough to erase past mistakes and create sizzling new memories?… The Wedding Dance by Carmen Green — Vivian Franklin was asked to choreograph a surprise dance for a wedding in the Virgin Islands—and gorgeous best man, James Smith, has all the right moves. Almost every female in attendance wants to sweep him off of his feet and right into the bedroom. But all James wants is Vivian—for tonight, and forever. Orchids and Bliss by Felicia Mason -Baden Calloway ran away on her wedding day after deciding not to walk down the aisle. And she didn’t stop until she reached Maui. Now Lawman Jesse Fremont, her ex-fiancé’s partner, is at her door, determined to win the woman he’s always loved from afar…
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