G.Firth Scott

The Last Lemurian: A Westralian Romance

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This book is set against the backdrop of Australia's outback. The novel revolves Dick Halwood, his dream, and his search for the body of a young princess. Dick Halwood meets the Hatter, who tells him about a strange land in the Australian desert ruled by an odd yellow woman and a band of aged pygmies. Tor Ymmothe, the yellow woman, is Lemuria's last Queen. She has been sentenced to live alone in the caves for thousands of years as punishment for the arrogance of her race, which was destroyed. She looks after the body of a young princess who has been comatose for thousands of years, waiting for her true love to appear. Halwood discovers the location of the princess's body. When he sees her face, he realizes she is the woman who appeared in his dreams. Will Dick Halwood be the true love of the comatose princess?
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