Clive Cussler

Spartan Gold

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Product DescriptionA fortune lost for ages…
A millionaire pursuing his destiny…
Sam and Remi Fargo are about to encounter both.
About the AuthorClive Cussler is the author or co-author of a great number of international bestsellers, including the famous Dirk Pitt® adventures, such as Arctic Drift; the NUMA® Files adventures, most recently Medusa; the Oregon Files, such as The Silent Sea; and the Isaac Bell Adventures, which began with The Chase. Lost Empire is the second book in the highly successful new series — the Fargo Adventures. He lives in Arizona. www.clivecussler.co.uk Grant Blackwood, a U.S. Navy veteran, spent three years aboard a guided missile frigate as operations specialist and pilot rescue swimmer. The author of the Briggs Tanner series, he's the co-author of Spartan Gold, and lives in Colorado.
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