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Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers: the story of success

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SUMMARY: In this stunning new book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of “outliers”--the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different? His answer is that we pay too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little attention to where they are from: that is, their culture, their family, their generation, and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing. Along the way he explains the secrets of software billionaires, what it takes to be a great soccer player, why Asians are good at math, and what made the Beatles the greatest rock band. Brilliant and entertaining, OUTLIERS is a landmark work that will simultaneously delight and illuminate.
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  • Konstantin Savenkovmegosztott egy benyomást8 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni
    💡Sokat tanultam

    An amazing gem of insight, this book shows how various factors affect the personal success (and failure). Those factors are often discarded, either intentionally (culture identity, family relations) or unintentionally (circumstances and luck), but in some cases they outweigh the personal merit by much.

  • An-nisa Pratiwimegosztott egy benyomást4 évvel ezelőtt
    💡Sokat tanultam

    This books gimme a lot of insight about success. I'm quite grateful for what I am now.

  • Star Magicianmegosztott egy benyomást4 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni
    🔮Rejtett mélységek
    💡Sokat tanultam

    It's so surprising to know all the truths behind so many big people. This is a fresh perspective to what people call "a successful person." I find myself nodding along the way because it's like an aha moment to me—"so that's how it's actually done!" Well but simply written, making it suitable for people from every walk of life.


  • Sarah Anceliaidézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    "If a man works hard, the land will not be lazy
  • zuzuhasanli97idézett8 évvel ezelőtt
    Don't depend on heaven for food, but on your own two hands carrying the load."
  • Oleg Sigidaidézett8 évvel ezelőtt
    Ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatness


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