The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection

Prophet Yunus & the Big Fish in the Sea

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The story of Prophet Yunus (Jonah), peace be upon him, is unique and interesting to many adults as well as children. The story of Prophet Yunus's nation starts with God sending his Prophet to the people in this town to call them and teach them to worship God alone without worshipping anyone or anything else and to follow God's Commandments. But the people in this town were stubborn and did not listen. So, Prophet Jonah, peace be upon him, decided to do something without God’s permission, which ended him up in the belly of a big fish.
This beautiful Islamic children’s picture book is perfect for Muslim kids & non-Muslim kids who love bedtime stories. It features colorful illustrations on every page to keep your child's attention while introducing them to Prophet Yunus (Jonah, peace be upon him) and teaching the story of his struggle to spread the Message of God.
This cute Islamic kid’s book about Prophet Jonah story & the big whale that swallowed him aims to build an Islamic foundation to the basic concepts of Islam to children at an early age. This beautiful Islamic bedtime story is found in the Holy Quran as well as found in the Bible. Not only will your kids be entertained before bed, but they will benefit & learn lessons from the story of Prophet Jonah, peace be upon him. Everyone loves listening to stories, especially kids, and stories help us remember lessons for a long time. This Quran story & Bible story of Jonah, peace be upon him, teaches us the importance & benefits of the beautiful dua supplication prayer that Prophet Yunus peace be upon him, said that got him out of his very difficult situation in which can do the same for us. This goodnight Islamic Bedtime story also teaches the importance and benefits of remembering God often, patience, and how God is always listening and loves us very much. Grab your copy now and check out The Sincere Seeker’s other Islamic Inspirational stories & stories of the Prophets from the Quran books!
♥♥ About The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection ♥♥
The most significant & longest-lasting inheritance you can gift your child as a parent is a proper Islamic upbringing & knowledge of Islam. As a parent, you must teach your children about Allah (God), the Holy Quran, the religion & lifestyle of Islam, & about Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Every parent must instill interest & love for Islam among their children at an early age, so they can grow up with an Islamic mindset & lifestyle. Every household must set a daily time to develop and grow their child’s connection with Allah to nourish their souls. Just like our physical bodies need food & water to grow & nourish, our souls need the remembrance of Allah & the recitation of the Holy Quran to enrich, nourish, & give life to our souls.
The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection is designed to introduce and teach your children the essentials they need to know about Allah (God), the Holy Koran, Islam, Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, Hadith for kids, the five pillars of Islam, the 6 articles of faith in Islam, & more in an easy, fun, & educational way. The love of Allah is already instilled in our children’s hearts, and it is our duty as parents to help develop, nurture, & sustain that love & bond at an early age. A fun way to start introducing these concepts to your children is through reading to them & encouraging them to read. Nothing beats sitting with your children & bonding with them with beneficial & interesting concepts of Islam & the Coran. Every page in each book introduces a topic with delightful, colorful illustrations to help your children understand & appreciate each component of Islam.
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