It was goggled at through pebble glasses, peered at through horn-rims, gazed at over half-moons, and squinted at by someone who had left his glasses in his other suit, which he very much feared had now gone to the cleaner's.
Humsterridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
This was a public telephone so it was clearly an oversight that it was working at all
Humsterridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
there is a huge difference between disliking somebody - maybe even disliking them a lot - and actually shooting them, strangling them, dragging them through the fields and setting their house on fire. It was a difference which kept the vast majority of the population alive from day to day.
Humsterridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
Well, no, not married as such, but yes, there is a specific girl that I'm not married to
Humsterridézett7 évvel ezelőtt
Gordon Way's astonishment at being suddenly shot dead was nothing to his astonishment at what happened next.