form’s derivations from, and yearnings towards, music
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The usual rhyme scheme is ababbabA ababbabA ababbabA babA
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these days an eight-line stanza with an envoi of four lines seems to have been settled upon by English-language poets.
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Each stanza, the envoi included, ends with the same refrain or rentre
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ends with an envoi which, tradition dictates, must be addressed to a Prince.
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difficulty arises, not from any complexity of patterning or repetition such as is to be found in the sestina, but from the number of rhyme sounds needed.
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a venerable French form of some fiendishness for English poets
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art, as with other lexically repetitive and patterned schemes, is to choose ‘open-ended’ repeating lines allowing ambiguity and room for manoeuvre.
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Note that enjambment and some flexibility with the repeated lines is helpful in refreshing the mood of the piece
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effect, as my example suggests, can be quite hypnotic or doom-laden.