
A Joosr Guide to The Good Psychopath's Guide to Success by Andy McNab and Kevin Dutton

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When we hear the term “psychopath,” we imagine bloodthirsty serial killers or uncaring, menacing villains; but that's not the whole story. There's a chance you might be a “good psychopath” and if you are, it may just be the key to your life's biggest successes.

Psychopaths like the ones in movies do exist, but they're known as “bad psychopaths”– impulsive, reckless, sadistic individuals who are a danger to the world around them. In The Good Psychopath's Guide To Success, you'll learn what it means to be a good psychopath, controlling your emotions and honing your sharp, efficient mind to new heights of excellence.

You will learn:

· Why psychopaths take so many risks, and why good psychopaths take better risks

· How to persuade people to help you or give you what you want

· Why there are some very high-paying jobs that can't be done by anyone but psychopaths.
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