Dag Heward-Mills

How You Can Be in the Perfect Will of God

One thing that will distinguish ministers of the gospel is their ability to hear the voice of God. It is important to follow the Holy Spirit into the perfect will of God. When you are in the perfect will of God, you will flourish and achieve all that you desire for God. This outstanding work by Dag Heward-Mills will have a great impact on you and your ministry.
145 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • Mahan Kashefimegosztott egy benyomást3 hónappal ezelőtt


  • Stephanie requintelidézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    God’s presence and the voice of the Holy Spirit are what you must look for and not the presence of money or anything physical.
  • Born Grafteridézett8 évvel ezelőtt
    gives money to those who serve him. Satan told Jesus to bow down and he would give Him the whole world
  • Born Grafteridézett8 évvel ezelőtt
    Having a king was not the perfect will of God and yet God allowed it. As you will discover, this arrangement did not turn out well and the children of Israel suffered greatly under their kings.
    It is important not to be deceived when God apparently allows certain things. The true heart of God is revealed to people who are genuinely close to Him.


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