Cherie Calbom

Juice Lady's Living Foods Revolution

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The Juice Lady’s Live Food Lifestyle builds on what Cherie Calbom’s recent book, The Juice Lady’s Turbo Juice Diet, started. Known around the country as “the Juice Lady,” nutrition expert Cherie Calbom explains the benefits of living foods (raw foods), based on new scientific research that shows that biophotons in plants carry light energy into our bodies, which helps our cells communicate with each other. Cooking food kills these biophotons and leaves the body craving the energy and nutrients it needs to function at a healthy, vibrant level. But you don’t have to switch your diet to a 100 percent raw foods diet. By simply adding more raw foods to your diet, you can increase your body’s intake of these beneficial nutrients.In addition to a 64-page, four-color recipe section, shopping lists, menu plans, and other practical advice, the author presents a living foods lifestyle plan for conquering adrenal fatigue (which some health organizations are calling “the new American epidemic”), busting candida (yeast infections), achieving weight loss, boosting your immune system, balancing your thyroid function, and more. Fight illness and slow the aging process in your body by starting the Juice Lady’s living foods lifestyle today!
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