Arthur Miller

Because It's Israel

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When young law student Arthur Miller books a trip to Israel for himself and his new wife Ronnie in the aftermath of the Six Day War, he unknowingly begins an odyssey that will last almost four decades. After thirty-five years of annual visits, he finally fulfills his dream of making aliyah. Join Arthur and Ronnie on their delightful and inspirational journey to figuring out life as Israeli citizens.
Arthur's keen observations and hysterical sense of humor, combined with his easy-going American attitude, are a recipe for a unique aliyah experience. His passionate love for the country and its people provides the backdrop against which we see the good in Israel through Arthur’s eyes. From bureaucratic offices and clerks at banks and post offices to hospitals and medical emergencies and travels via cars and trains, the many facets of daily living shine through Arthur and Ronnie’s story.
Whether you've already made aliyah and can heartily identify with Arthur and Ronnie or you are in love with Israel and want to read about it from afar, perhaps in anticipation of making aliyah someday, this fascinating chronicle will have you laughing, crying, commiserating, and getting in touch with the infatuation that we all share for our beloved Land.
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