B. Diane Blackwood

Instant QlikView 11 Application Development

In DetailQlikView 11 delivers enterprise-class analytics and search with ease. With QlikView, you can analyze data relationships that are not measured in monetary units, and although QlikView 11 can certainly be used to analyze sales trends and stock performance, by the end of this book you will see that this is just the tip of the iceberg of QlikView's functionalities. As QlikView is available in a free personal edition and is easy to use and set up, the book will focus on ideas of how to use QlikView, while demonstrating the process of loading data and setting up dashboards.
You will learn how QlikView has been used in performing exciting tasks such as solving crimes and to analyze prescribing practices of physicians. Also, with the use of QlikView you will discover how many degrees of separation there are between you and the actor, Kevin Bacon of the Hollowman fame!!. Moreover, it will cover how to use these dashboards to analyze data. This time-saving experience makes QlikView an obvious addition to business (and personal) analysis tools.
Instant QlikView 11 App Development will introduce you to the QlikView 11 interface while working with sample financial data available for download. Topics covered include: when to use QlikView, navigating the interface, creating your first QlikView sheet, sheet objects, and charts. Additional practice includes editing the script to load more than one sample file and automatically linking data. We will make use of the QlikView Movie Database to demonstrate how analysis can be performed with an existing demonstration database from Qlikview. Furthermore, we will create our own analysis from scratch in order to learn more about combining data from multiple sources and creating our own input to assist analysis.
This short guide will also explore other demonstration databases from QlikView to stimulate the thought processes of how you might want to use QlikView. References to additional website training and the Qlikview community will help you build your knowledge.
Last but not least, you will become familiar with the various steps and options to scale up to an enterprise application, as well as data sources and big data, and implementing mobile applications. QlikView 11 is a very easy-to-use business intelligence product. It is designed to facilitate ad hoc relationship analysis rather than the more formal corporate performance applications for the financial user. With this book, you will walk through the processes of discovery and creating your own interfaces to facilitate that discovery.
ApproachFilled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. This book follows a recipe-based approach. Tasks are split up as short recipes to guide the readers in their app development journey with QlikView 11.
Who this book is forThe book is ideal for developers who are interested in learning QlikView. It is also meant for those who are interested in developing applications with QlikView. Developers just need to have an idea about the functions of QlikView and how they can be put to maximum use for developing the application.
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